Prague gardens selection. Translation is yet to be prepared

Prague : Park Max van der Stoel

Praha : Park Maxe van der Stoela

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.09098 14.38780

Prague : Park Podvinni : Fortress

Praha : Park Podvinní : Pevnost

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.11084 14.49319

Prague : Mini mushroom park

Praha : Mini houbový park

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.07771 14.41822

Prague : The Park

Praha : Park

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.02818 14.49413

The Park is located near the Metro C Chodov. Head of multinational corporations.

Prague : The Liben Chateau : Park

Praha : Libeňský zámek : Park

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.10764 14.47129

Park at Chodov water stronghold

Park u Chodovské vodní tvrze

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.03645 14.49728

Prague Kaizlovy sady

Praha Kaizlovy sady

Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.09547 14.46058


Video tours of Prague version 4.02 date 29.6.2019

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