Praha : Petřín : Petřínská rozhledna

Prague : Petrin : Petrin Tower (Lookout tower)
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.08352 14.39509
Tower , glass maze, ....
Petrin lookout tower is 65.5 meters height over one of the most famous landmarks of Prague. Its base is located at an altitude of 324 m above sea level in the garden of the lookout tower on top of Petrin Hill in Lesser town district Praha 1

Štefánik Observatory

Štefánik Observatory in Prague Observatory on Petrin Hill in the southernmost tip of Hradcany, the general public and serving primarily the popularization of astronomy. It was opened in 1928. The observatory is open every day of the week except Mondays, from October to March in the evening (observation of planets and deep-sky objects), from April to September in the afternoon (observations of the Sun, etc.) - on weekends all day. For organizes a series of public lectures and exhibitions on the ground floor is accessible to smaller specialist library. Youth can participate in the astronomy club, then two years older candidates astronomical rate. The observatory was built and commissioned Czech Astronomical Society in 1928. Pillar main telescope are stored urns Jaroslava Štycha and Karla Angel - Czech astronomers who have had a major share in the building of the observatory. In the seventies of the 20th century has undergone a major refurbishment. Since 1979, the Observatory is part-funded organizations Observatory and Planetarium. Prague. In addition to the observatory and planetarium in Prague Stromovka belong to this organization and observatory in Ďáblice a joint facility with the Observatory and Planetarium in Czech Budejovice - Copernicus observatory dome on the Kleť. Statue of Milan Rastislav Stefanik ago sundial at the entrance.


Funicular(Cableway) to Petrin funicular for the carriage of persons on the Petrin hill in Prague; the bulk of the cable car falls within the territory of Lesser belongs to the upper station of the Prague Castle Strahov. The flight is operated on rails running tow ropes. The track is 510.4 meters long owned and operated cable car is a Transport Company hl. Prague as (administration and operation ensures organizational unit "Operation Trams"). The cable car is part of the public transport system and the Prague Integrated Transport. Officially been designated line number in the internal encoding in some lists and line leadership, however, was the restoration operation in 1985 marked a line 40, about the years 1987 to 1996 as a line 49 and from 1996 until now as line 99

Petřín rockeries

Natural Heritage Petřín rockeries occupies the top section of Petřín Hill slopes near the summit plateau. The territory extends from the top of the Kinsky garden through Petrin sets and Seminary garden to the Strahov monastery.

Práce na lanovce na Petřín

Work on the funicular to Petrin
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.08225 14.39920
Před nedávnem jsme informovali o druhém největším jeřábu, který dorazil na přestavbu stanice lanovky, nyní se podívejme, co tomu předcházelo. Vidíme nové betonové podstavce pro budoucí uložení betonových nosníků jeřábem. Not long ago we reported about the second largest crane, which arrived on a rebuilding terminal, now let's see what preceded it. We see a new concrete base for future storage of concrete beams crane.
Album fotek

Nedávno jsme informovali o druhém největším jeřábu v ČR, který přijel na rekonstrukci mostu lanovky , nyní si ukážeme uloženou mostní železobetonovou konstrukci.

Podívejme se na dokončovací práce na lanovce.
Za chvíli už bude opět lanovka vozit turisty a Pražany na Petřín.

Kinsky Garden, Petřín

this time more about: waterfall
Other landmarks of the Kinsky gardens are two lakes and a small waterfall. These are powered by a unique system of 380 m long minted adit, that brings water to them. The waterfall is at the top of the garden between the lakes. At the top is a small exhibition of marsh plants and there is a sea lion (other video) sculpture from 1953 by sculptor Jan Lauda.The lower lake is smaller, but certainly not less interesting. In 1939 it was moved here from Kampa statue of Hercules from the 17th century. Both lakes with artifacts create beautiful places, where you can sit and relax before continuing your journey.

Prague Petrin Hercules

One of the attractions in the Kinsky garden. Petřín- popular hill pairs of lovers. Beautiful scenery and yet the man in the center of the city. Very frequently visited tourist location.

Praha : Petřín : Lachtan

Prague : Petřín : Sea lion
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.07916 14.39821
One of the attractions in the Kinsky garden. Petřín- popular hill pairs of lovers. Beautiful scenery and yet the man in the center of the city. Very frequently visited tourist location.


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