Pražský tramvajový průvod 140 let MHD
Prague procession of trams 140 years of public transportation
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.08162 14.41339
Tramvajový průvod k výročí 140 let MHD. Procession of trams to mark the anniversary of 140 years of public transportation.

Motorový vůz číslo 88 rok výroby 1900, provozní období 1900-1907
Motor carriage Number 88 production year 1900, the operating period 1900 to 1907

Mounting historical cars in pragues tram traffic
Montážní historické vozy v pražské tramvajové dopravě

Motorový vůz číslo 2172
Motor carriage Number 2172

Look inside

Horse drawn tram (Koňka)

Nákladní tramvajová souprava
Freight trams

Kolejový brus číslo 4092

Kolejový brus číslo 4092 v zastávce Staroměstská

Služební motorový vůz 4217
Staff motor car 4217

Mazací tramvaj
The Lubricating Tram

Tram T1
Tramvaj T1
gps : Prague location
current : 50.06484 14.44128
Tatra T1 is the oldest model of the Czechoslovak trams concept PCC. It was produced in the 50s of the last century businesses Tatra Smíchov and CKD Stalingrad. In production was replaced by more modern type of Tatra T2. After several years of design work was in 1951 produced two prototypes tram T1. The first of these began to test ride the rail network in Prague November 22, 1951 with registration number 5001. The second car (reg 5002) was (after testing), along with first put into normal operation a year later. Car reg 5001 was retired in 1976 after reconstruction, restoration was included in the Prague Public Transport Museum. The second prototype was scrapped when the last cars of this type in Prague (25 January 1983), remained shut, and two years later was taken to the depot Střešovice. After repair should be designated for commercial driving, renovations but held up in the new millennium, newly renovated car was introduced in 2005.

Prague : Senovazne Square : Trams
Praha : Senovážné náměstí : Tramvaje
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.08591 x 14.43227

bonus Fountain

Prague : Charles Square : Historic tram
Praha : Karlovo náměstí : Historická tramvaj
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.07537 x 14.41969

Vyšehrad Tunnel is a road tunnel in Prague led through the Vyšehrad rock, measuring only 35 meters and was built in the years 1903-1905.

Funicular(Cableway) to Petrin funicular for the carriage of persons on the Petrin hill in Prague; the bulk of the cable car falls within the territory of Lesser belongs to the upper station of the Prague Castle Strahov. The flight is operated on rails running tow ropes. The track is 510.4 meters long owned and operated cable car is a Transport Company hl. Prague as (administration and operation ensures organizational unit "Operation Trams"). The cable car is part of the public transport system and the Prague Integrated Transport. Officially been designated line number in the internal encoding in some lists and line leadership, however, was the restoration operation in 1985 marked a line 40, about the years 1987 to 1996 as a line 49 and from 1996 until now as line 99

Calibration chassis and the covering train
Kalibrační podvozek a krycí vlak


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